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Region: East Tennessee
1835 Elizabeth Jane Hunter
Family Register

1758"V x 1758"H © TSS 183
fibers: silk
ground: 24 ct. linen
Elizabeth Jane Hunter (1821-1897) was one of four children born to John Hunter and Phebe (Phoebe) Douglass of Knox County. She was only seven years old when her father died in 1828. In the 1830 census her mother was listed with three children age 11 and under. Elizabeth finished her sampler on May 27, 1835. Elizabeth married John Robert Craig, Sr. in 1838, and the couple had five children. Like her mother, she was widowed early in her life. Her husband John died in 1849, possibly of cholera.
At the age of 14, Elizabeth recorded her family of origin—parents and siblings—in her register. Alse H. Scot Mabry (TSS 182) worked the same pattern, but later in life and with the names of her husband and children. The light blue stitching in the names of the children in Elizabeth’s sampler is a later attempt at repair.
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