Region: East Tennessee
1844 Manda Melvina E. Arrants
Piney Flats, Sullivan Co.
East Tennessee Historical Society, Knoxville
181⁄2"V x 167⁄8"H
© TSS 036
fibers: silk
ground: 24 ct. cotton penelope
fibers: silk
ground: 24 ct. cotton penelope
Manda Melvina E. Arrants (1834-1844) was one of several children to die prematurely in the Arrants family. She may have been bed ridden when she stitched her sampler, as she finished it on Jan. 19, 1844 and died a few months later on May 31.
Melvinas verse, stitched around a white dove, reads Hope Consoles/me, a poignant reminder of her short life.